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55mm Sq x 275mm FL 11° Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror

High Performance Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors

Stock #90-979 10 to 12 days
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Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Dimensions (mm):
55.0 x 55.0
Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Clear Aperture (%):
Center Thickness CT (mm):
Center Thickness Tolerance (mm):

Optical Properties

Effective Focal Length EFL (mm):
Radius of Curvature (mm):
Bare Aluminum
Coating Type:
Coating Specification:
Rabs >85% @ 250 - 700nm
Off-Set Angle (°):
Parent Focal Length PFL (mm):
Surface Accuracy:
Surface Quality:
Parent Focal Length Tolerance (mm):
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Float Glass
Y Offset Tolerance (mm):

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

  • High Quality Glass Substrate
  • λ/4 or λ/2 Surface Accuracy
  • Ideal for UV and Visible Applications

Our High Performance Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors feature a superior surface accuracy glass substrate, making them ideal for UV and visible applications. Unlike standard parabolic mirrors, these off-axis mirrors direct and focus incident collimated light at a specific angle, allowing unrestricted access to the focal point. Typical applications include use in Czerny-Turner and Littrow spectrometer configurations, and in general collimator and beam expander setups.

High Performance Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors have been replicated from masters which have passed stringent inspection criteria, including zonal interferometric and Foucault testing. The aspheric optical profile is holographically recorded onto the mirror substrate.

Note: The bare aluminum coating on these optics is delicate and can be easily scratched. If cleaning is required, non-contact methods such as compressed air or an air-blower should be used.

Technical Information

Parent Focal Length PFL Reflected Effective Focal Length EFL Y Offset V Off-Set Angle Stock No.
125mm 134mm 67mm 9mm 30° #90-976
200mm 209mm 85mm 24° #90-977
275mm 279.1mm 67.5mm 4.1mm 14° #90-978
277.6mm 53mm 2.6mm 11° #90-979

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