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38.1mm Dia., 3mm Thick, ISP Optics CaF2 Infrared (IR) Diffuser | DIF-IR-38-3

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Infrared (IR) Diffusers

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Model Number:
IR Diffuser
Fine Grind first surface with a roughness (Ra) of ∼0.75 microns

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Diameter (mm):
38.10 +0.00/-0.13
Ground Edges
Thickness (mm):
3.00 ±0.13

Optical Properties

Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Wavelength Range (nm):
300 - 8000

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
Reach 240:

Product Details

ISP Optics Infrared (IR) Diffusers are useful for creating even intensity distribution of broadband IR light sources. These ground diffusers are polished on one side and sandblasted on the other side to produce a rough surface that will scatter light. These diffusers are available with either calcium fluoride (CaF2) or Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) substrates. The CaF2 substrate has a transmission range from 0.3 to 8.0 microns and the ZnSe substrate has transmission range from 0.6 to 12.0 microns. ISP Optics Infrared (IR) Diffusers are ideal for a variety of applications including FTIR systems, laser calibration systems, and illuminator diffusion.

Technical Information

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