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12.5mm Dia. x 40mm EFL, UV-VIS Coated, Near UV Achromatic Lens

Stock #65-973 10 to 12 days
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Achromatic Lens

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Diameter (mm):
12.50 +0.0/-0.025
Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Centering (arcmin):
Center Thickness CT (mm):
5.50 ±0.20
Center Thickness CT 1 (mm):
3.50 ±0.10
Center Thickness CT 2 (mm):
2.00 ±0.10
Edge Thickness ET (mm):
Protective bevel as needed

Optical Properties

Effective Focal Length EFL (mm):
Focal Length Tolerance (%):
Back Focal Length BFL (mm):
Focal Length Specification Wavelength (nm):
Radius R1 (mm):
Radius R2 (mm):
Radius R3 (mm):
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Surface Quality:
Numerical Aperture NA:
UV-VIS (345-700nm)
Coating Specification:
Ravg ≤1.5% @ 345 - 700nm
Power (P-V) @ 632.8nm:
Irregularity (P-V) @ 632.8nm:
Wavelength Range (nm):
345 - 700

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
Reach 235:

Product Details

  • Excellent Transmission in 345 – 700nm Range
  • Ideal for use with NUV LEDs and Mercury Lamps
  • Low-Cost, Cemented Design

TECHSPEC® Near-UV (NUV) Achromatic Lenses are specifically designed to minimize the spot size for polychromatic illumination in the 345 – 700nm region. The achromatic lenses are ideal for use in fluorescence applications, as well as for simple focusing of common UV light sources, such as Mercury Arc Lamps, UV LEDs, and Tripled Nd:YAG lasers.  Featuring a simple cemented design, the lenses are an excellent alternative to air-spaced doublets and triplets for the UV. TECHSPEC® Near-UV (NUV) Achromatic Lenses feature >90% transmission at 360nm and provide >50% transmission at 334nm. The lenses feature either N-FK5 or F2HT substrate and a UV-VIS coating. 

Technical Information

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