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High Transmission Traditional Coated Bandpass Filters

High Transmission Traditional Coated Bandpass Filters

High Transmission Traditional Coated Bandpass Filters

  • Passband Transmission up to 80%
  • 441.6 to 1064nm Wavelength Options with 10, 20, and 40nm Bandwidths
  • Ideal for Medical and Analytical Applications

High Transmission Traditional Coated Bandpass Filters are designed for situations where far-infrared blocking is not required, allowing for up to 80% transmission in the passband region and good blocking over the visible and NIR wavelength range. Featuring popular laser, mercury, biomedical, and analytical spectral lines, these filters cover a wide range of visible and NIR wavelengths. A hermetic seal and an anodized metal mount help maintain performance in high humidity environments and protect against chipping and scratching. High Transmission Traditional Coated Bandpass Filters are ideal for a range of scientific and medical applications such as spectral radiometry, medical diagnostics, chemical analysis, and Colorimetry. For applications requiring wider blocking ranges, traditional coated bandpass filters are available whereas applications requiring higher transmission above 90% are best served with hard coated bandpass filters.

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