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Acktar White™ Foils and Films

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Acktar White, Aluminum Substrate, Adhesive

Acktar White, Aluminum Substrate, Adhesive

  • Low Solar Absorptance, High Emissivity, and Excellent Passive Thermal Management
  • Inorganic Matte Coating on Aluminum Foil Substrate
  • No Adhesive or Low Outgassing Adhesive Options


Product Details

Acktar White™ Foils and Films feature a highly diffusive, completely inorganic matte coating designed for low solar absorptance. These films are available as 20 x 20cm, 20 x 30cm, or 20 x 60cm sheets, with either low outgassing adhesive backing or no adhesive backing. The substrate material for the sheets is 4mm thick aluminum, which provides high tensile strength, low elongation percentage, and low modulus of elasticity. Acktar White™ Foils and Films feature low absorption (α < 0.4), and high emissivity (ε > 0.7), and excellent passive thermal management, making them ideal for adding thermal stability to astronautical and aeronautical applications. The films are Class 100 clean room compatible and are easily cleaned with ethanol, IPA, acetone, or up to 10 bar of air pressure.

Note: Please contact us for longer Acktar White™ Film Rolls and for sheets and rolls with a polyimide substrate construction.

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