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Ultrafast Pulse Compression Mirrors

Chirped Mirrors are dispersion compensating mirrors with a chirped laser mirror coating that compensates for the pulse broadening that ultrafast laser pulses experience as they travel through optical mediums. Highly-Dispersive Mirrors (HDM) are coated with a highly dispersive chirped multilayer coating and are used for pulse compression or intracavity dispersion compensation. Chirped or Highly-Dispersive Mirrors can be designed with low angles of incidence (AOI) to maximize the number of reflections between two paired mirrors or with larger angles for general beam steering. These ultrafast mirrors can be used in place of prism or grating compressors and offer the benefits of creating more compact, alignment-insensitive systems, which compensate for GDD as well as third-order and high-order dispersion, enabling shorter output pulses. Third-Order Dispersion mirrors are ideal for third order dispersion (TOD) compensation in grating-based compressor systems while Positive-Dispersion Mirrors can be used for pulse compression in hybrid prism/mirror compressor setups. Additionally, Edmund Optics offers unique Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs with reduced GDD oscillations for the generation of a few to sub-cycle ultrafast laser pulses.

Edmund Optics offers a growing line of Chirped Mirrors, Highly-Dispersive Mirrors, Third-Order Dispersion Mirrors, Positive-Dispersion Mirrors, and Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs for use with femtosecond laser sources, including Ti:sapphire, Yb:doped fiber, thulium (Tm), and Holmium (Ho). These mirrors are available with low AOIs for ultrafast pulse compression, or with larger AOIs, such as 45°, for compression of ultrafast pulses during beam transport. Please contact us if your application requires a custom Chirped Mirror or Highly-Dispersive Mirror.

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Ultra-Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Ultra-Broadband Complementary Chirped Mirror Pairs
  • Ideal for Chirped-Pulse Amplifier Systems and Ultra-Broadband Laser Oscillators
  • Ultra-Broadband Design Supports Dispersion Compensation
  • Negative GDD as Low as -60fs2 and High Reflectivity (>99%) at 600 – 950nm or 650 – 1350nm
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Positive Dispersion Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Positive Dispersion Ultrafast Mirrors
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 255-277nm Negative Dispersion UV Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 255-277nm Negative Dispersion UV Ultrafast Mirrors
  • Negative GDD of -145 fs2
  • Angle of Incidence of 5° between 255 - 277nm
  • Ideal for Pulse Compression or Dispersion Compensation of UV Ultrafast Laser Beams
  • Unique UV Negative Dispersion Ultrafast Coating
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 1030nm Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors with Reduced Thermal Lensing UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 1030nm Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors with Reduced Thermal Lensing
  • Ultrafast Highly-Dispersive Coating with Reduced Thermal Lensing
  • Highly Negative GDD up to -1000 fs2 at 5° AOI
  • >99.5% Minimum Reflection (P-Polarization) across 50nm Bandwidth
  • Ideal for the Generation of High-Power Ultrafast Laser Pulses
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 3200nm Highly-Positive Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 3200nm Highly-Positive Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors
  • Positive GDD of 500 fs2 at 5° AOI
  • >99.9% Minimum Reflection (P-Polarization)
  • Broadband Mid-IR Coating Design Covers 2800 – 3600nm
  • Ideal for Mid-IR Mode-Locked Lasers
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Third Order Dispersion (TOD) Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Third Order Dispersion (TOD) Ultrafast Mirrors
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 780 and 800nm Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 780 and 800nm Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors
  • Reflection >99.8% (P-polarization) at 720 – 840nm or 780 – 830nm
  • Low Group Delay Dispersion at 5° or 20° AOIs 
  • Ideal for Pulse Compression of Ti:sapphire Ultrafast Lasers
  • Low GDD Mirrors Also Available
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 1030nm Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 1030nm Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors
  • Highly Negative GDD up to -1000 fs2 at 7° AOI
  • >99.8% Minimum Reflection across 60nm Bandwidth
  • Ideal for Dispersion Compensation of Yb:doped Fiber Lasers
  • Ultrafast Chirped Coating
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 1030nm Highly-Dispersive Broadband Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 1030nm Highly-Dispersive Broadband Ultrafast Mirrors
  • Negative GDD of -200 fs2 at 5° AOI
  • >99.8% Reflection (p-polarization) between 950 - 1120nm
  • Designed for Pulse Compression of Yb:doped Fiber Lasers
  • Broadband Ultrafast Chirped Coating
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 2μm Highly-Dispersive Broadband Ultrafast Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 2μm Highly-Dispersive Broadband Ultrafast Mirrors
  • Reflectivity >99.9% Between 2000 - 2200nm
  • GDD of -1000fs2 @ 5° AOI
  • Ideal for <100fs Pulse Compression of Thulium and Holmium Lasers
  • Broadband Ultrafast Chirped Coating

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 45&deg; AOI Ultrafast Chirped Mirrors UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 45° AOI Ultrafast Chirped Mirrors
  • High Reflectivity and Negative Group Delay Dispersion (GDD)
  • Ideal for Dispersion Compensation and Beam Compression @ 45° AOI
  • Designs for Femtosecond Lasers, Including Ti:sapphire
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